
Welcome to Fröndenberg 

Welcome to the road bike museum

The Fröndenberg/Ruhr road bike museum presents exhibits from 1899 to the present day, as well as the history of cycling in Fröndenberg, which is closely linked to the UNION.

Open Tuesday to Sunday from 12 noon

Opening hours

May 01 to September 30, 2024

Tuesday to Sunday 12:00 to 18:00


Opening hours

May 01 to September 30, 2024

Tuesday to Sunday
12:00 to 18:00

We are often open on Mondays during vacation periods. We will inform you about this here.

We share further information on our social media channels on an ongoing basis.


Adults 4,00 €
reduced 3,00 €
Young people € 2.00
School classes flat rate 10,00 €



Adults 4,00 €
reduced 3,00 €
Teenagers 2,00 €

Group from 8 persons
per person 3,00 €
Teenagers 2,00 €

School classes 10,00 €

Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

Directions and location

You will find us directly on the market square in Fröndenberg

Directions and location

Rennradmuseum Fröndenberg / Ruhr e.V.

Am Markt 9
58730 Fröndenberg

You will find us directly on the market square in Fröndenberg.

The road bike museum

On August 14, 2022, the museum was opened to the public by the mayor of the town of Fröndenberg, Ms. Sabina Müller, together with club chairman Bernd-Friedrich Kern, UCI member Toni Kirsch and cycling expert Hans Kuhn. Para-Olympic champion Hans Peter Durst and the former track world champions Lucas Liß and Ernst Claußmeyer and previously Erik Zabel had brought their world championship bikes to the opening, which can now be viewed in the museum. These and many other interesting exhibits now await visitors.


From the beginnings on two wheels ...


… to the penny-farthing, which was already used for racing in the 1890s


… from the bikes of the “Stone Age” to the high-tech bikes of the 20th century


… via road bikes from regional road bike builders to extraordinary specimens


… continue to the track cycling section



The museum is being set up by the Rennradmusem Fröndenberg / Ruhr e.V. association and was founded in 2019.
However, the purpose is not only to build the museum, but also to promote the culture of remembrance of national and international racing cycling through various activities and events. The involvement of young people and adolescents is also expressly encouraged.

How our visitors like it

Exhibits in the road bike museum

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